Upgrading of facilities
P+P arkitekter served as architect and general contractor for the renovation and new construction of Haderslev Barracks. They have experience from working on several of the country’s barracks and for the Danish Defence in general. The task is often to improve the facilities for employees, and this is also the case at this barracks.

Haderslev Barracks dates back to 1888. In 1920, the barracks became Danish and a Danish military garrison in 1923, when the first soldiers from the Schleswig Foot Regiment arrived. Since then, the historic buildings have been joined by many more facilities. In this project, the barracks’ main building (building 1) has been renovated to provide services for the 500 soldiers of the Schleswig Foot Regiment.
At Louisegård VEST, a new, heated 900 sqm depot has been built. Louisegård ØST has been expanded with an office extension for 20 employees. In the latter project, the aim has been to meet the challenges of troop reorganisation.
Healthy working environment
In this building project, the aim was to improve working conditions for employees and to create a building stock that requires less maintenance and has lower operating costs. As part of these physical improvements, improving the indoor climate became relevant and was achieved with Troldtekt acoustic ceilings that ensure good acoustics, which is essential for any workplace.
The recurring Troldtekt ceilings in several rooms and building sections create a visually calming and cohesive working environment.