Troldtekt A/S
At Troldtekt A/S, we want to ensure good acoustics and contribute to a healthy indoor climate in buildings. We are driven by a passion for people and the planet.
We have been producing Troldtekt acoustic panels from the natural materials of wood and cement since 1935. We design, develop and manufacture the panels at our high-tech factory in Denmark.

We make a difference you can hear
Troldtekt contributes to acoustic comfort in most types of architecture – in many countries around the world. Our acoustic panels clad ceilings and walls in offices, businesses, schools, institutions, cultural venues, sports facilities, swimming pools and private residences. Troldtekt makes a difference you can hear.
We understand the value of high quality
We know that quality materials are crucial for future-proofing architecture. Troldtekt acoustic solutions contribute to healthy and distinctive buildings that last. We are ambitious and work continuously to develop even better solutions – while remaining competitive.
We take responsibility
For us, it is important to work holistically with sustainability in all aspects of our business. That's why the Cradle to Cradle design concept is a key part of our business strategy. The concept’s three basic principles are to eliminate waste, transition to renewable energy and support diversity. At Troldtekt, this translates into initiatives that benefit the environment, society and business.
We are part of an ambitious group
Since 2022, Troldtekt has been part of the Kingspan Group, a listed Irish building materials company with operations in more than 70 countries. With its Planet Passionate programme, Kingspan has set ambitious climate goals. By 2030, Kingspan will be a zero-waste-to-landfill company with carbon-neutral production.

Our purpose and core values
At Troldtekt, we have defined a purpose that describes what we are here for – and what makes us proud:
We harness the benefits of good acoustics to create a healthy indoor climate with a passion for people and the planet.
We live our purpose through our three values:
We want to stay relevant and keep challenging ourselves to develop better solutions. We set ambitious goals and have the courage to pursue them.
We stand by our word and keep our promises. We pride ourselves on being a trustworthy brand and we communicate openly about our solutions and business practices.
We are proud of our continuous efforts to contribute to a better future for people and the planet.
Discover Troldtekt
In this video, you can see the role Troldtekt plays in healthy and distinctive buildings.

More about Troldtekt A/S

Troldtekt and CSR reporting

How Troldtekt works with Cradle to Cradle Certified®

The Troldtekt story from 1855 until the present

Contact Troldtekt A/S