A showroom dedicated to superior acoustics and elegant design

In the showroom at our head office in southern Aarhus, architects, other professionals and homeowners alike can experience our elegant acoustic solutions. Here you will find a wide selection of Troldtekt products on the ceilings and walls.
Experience, for example, the different textures and colours – and explore our series of Troldtekt® design solutions, which have been conceived with maximum architectural freedom in mind.
Scalable acoustic celings with lenghtwise surface grooves or repetitve patterns, an elegant surface with characteristic colour combinations and a unique design. There is plenty to discover for guests in the inspiring showroom, which is part of Troldtekt's headoffice in Aarhus.
A wide range of design solutions
In the showroom, you can with your own eyes and ears experience the classic acoustic solutions in different structures and colours – and not at least the range of unique design solutions, which makes it possible to give ceilings and walls expression and character. The newest solution in the design range – Troldtekt v-line – has discreet longitudinal grooves cut into the surface, which adds a uniform and distinctive look to the ceiling.
Read more about Troldtekt v-line 1way and v-line 2way.
Troldtekt acoustic panels based on the cement type FUTURECEMTM, which has a reduced carbon footprint, are also on display in the showroom.

Are you a construction professional? Book a visit to Aarhus
If you are an architect and interested in visiting our showroom at Sletvej 2A, 8310 Tranbjerg, please contact Project Consultant Bente Rasmussen Therkildsen at brt@troldtekt.dk or phone +45 2773 6700.
Other professionals
Other interested professionals who wish to book a visit to our showroom can contact our sales department at salg@troldtekt.dk or phone +45 8747 8100.
Private homeowner
Would you, as a homeowner, like to explore our distinctive Troldtekt acoustic solutions? Then you can visit our showroom at Sletvej 2A, 8310 Tranbjerg J Monday to Friday. If you wish to book a visit, please contact our sales department at salg@troldtekt.dk or phone +45 87478100.

Showroom Copenhagen

Showroom Byggecentrum Middelfart

Showroom Hamburg

Showroom Berlin

Showroom Stockholm - Studio B3