A new build that connects
Niendorf district school in north west Hamburg boasts a new, clearly structured, state-of-the-art building thanks to a redesign of the entire school campus by architectural firm me di um Architekten.

While years 10 to 13 of Niendorf district school continue to be taught at the Sachsenweg campus, years five to nine are delighted to have a completely revamped school complex including a new double sports hall, which was officially opened on the Paul-Sorge-Straße in 2019.
Integration of existing parts of the building
One of the particular challenges of the planning was to give the school a uniform structure by way of a clear architectural design, and to sleekly incorporate the existing parts of the building, such as the assembly hall, sports hall and library, into the overall ensemble. By bringing the new 6400 m2 building closer to Paul-Sorge-Straße, the planners have managed to make the school as a whole much more prominent, and thus connect it to the wider area.
A welcoming new build with courtyard
The lateral, two-storey new build with a total of 40 new classrooms and administrative offices encompasses a large, sheltered courtyard where the library is located. There is also an atrium at the front. Most of the facade is made up of slim wooden elements, which gives the building a natural appearance. Lots of windows lend the complex an open feel, and the interior is bathed in plenty of natural light from the two long sides.
A high-quality learning environment
The school for eight year groups is organised into ‘year houses’, which are accessed via an outside path with transparent porch roof. Two external emergency stairways lead to the top floor. Two classes make up a unit, and all year groups have accessible classrooms.
A scattering of colourful walls add vibrancy to the bright rooms and corridors as well as to the washrooms. Even the window frames, which include colourfully painted and wood finish elements, contribute to the quality of the learning environment. Troldtekt acoustic panels feature on many of the ceilings as an additional design and functional element in the bustling everyday life in the school.